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Write A Program To Reverse A String In Vb.net

카테고리 없음

by exanonba1987 2020. 2. 26. 13:49


  1. Reverse A String Python

Hi here is the complete code with screen shot. YeH syug!woH nac I trevni ro( esrever, revetahw) a gnirts, tub gnisrever hcae drow?ekiL:sihT si a gnirts.tuptuO:This is a string.dna ton:string. A is ThisoslA, woh nac I od ti ot a eritne elif?sknahT ni ecnavda!teL em wonk fi siht spleh.:D Public Class Form1Private Sub Button1Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickDim myFile As String = 'C:test.txt' '// your File.If IO.File.Exists(myFile) Then '// Check if File.Exists.MsgBox(reverseFileContent(myFile)) '// Display Result.IO.File.WriteAllText(myFile, reverseFileContent(myFile)) '// Save Reversed File.Else: MsgBox('File Does Not Exist.' )End IfEnd SubFunction reverseFileContent(ByVal mySelectedFile As String) As StringDim arFileLines As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(mySelectedFile) '// Load each line as a String Array.Dim arWords As String = Nothing '// used to Split.

Reverse A String Python

Each line into Words.Dim sChar As String = Nothing '// used to get/set last char of word if not a Letter.Dim sTemp As String = Nothing '// used to save Reversed Lines.For iFileLineNumber As Integer = 0 To arFileLines.Length - 1 '// Loop thru all Lines.If arFileLines(iFileLineNumber).Contains(' 'c) Then '// Check if Current Line Contains. A 'space'.arWords = arFileLines(iFileLineNumber).Split(' 'c) '// Split.

Line into Words by 'space'.For iWord As Integer = 0 To arWords.Length - 1 '// Loop thru all Words.If Not arWords(iWord) = Nothing Then '// check if Word is not Nothing, since Words get Split. By ' '.If Char.IsLetter(CChar(arWords(iWord).Substring(arWords(iWord).Length - 1, 1))) Then '// check if Last Char is a Letter.arWords(iWord) = StrReverse(arWords(iWord)) '// Reverse the Word.Else '// if Last Char is NOT a Letter.sChar = arWords(iWord).Substring(arWords(iWord).Length - 1, 1) '// get Last Char in Word.' // Reverse Word without the Last Char, then add Last Char back to Word.arWords(iWord) = StrReverse(arWords(iWord).Substring(0, arWords(iWord).Length - 1)) & sCharEnd If'// Add Reversed Words to String.If Not iWord = arWords.Length - 1 Then: sTemp &= arWords(iWord) & ' ' '// if Not End of Line, add a 'space'.Else: sTemp &= arWords(iWord) '// No 'space'.End IfElse '// if Word is Nothing, since Words get Split. By ' ', add the 'space' back to keep File Format for Line Indenting.sTemp &= ' 'End IfNextElse '// For Lines that DO NOT Contain Spaces, just a Single Word Line.If Not arFileLines(iFileLineNumber) = Nothing Then '// check if Word is not Nothing, since Words get Split. By ' '.If Char.IsLetter(CChar(arFileLines(iFileLineNumber).Substring(arFileLines(iFileLineNumber).Length - 1, 1))) Then '// check if Last Char is a Letter.arFileLines(iFileLineNumber) = StrReverse(arFileLines(iFileLineNumber)) '// Reverse the Word.Else '// if Last Char is NOT a Letter.sChar = arFileLines(iFileLineNumber).Substring(arFileLines(iFileLineNumber).Length - 1, 1) '// get Last Char in Word.' // Reverse Word without the Last Char, then add Last Char back to Word.arFileLines(iFileLineNumber) = StrReverse(arFileLines(iFileLineNumber).Substring(0, arFileLines(iFileLineNumber).Length - 1)) & sCharEnd IfsTemp &= arFileLines(iFileLineNumber) '// Add Reversed Word to String.Else '// if Word is Nothing, since Words get Split. By ' ', add the 'space' back to keep File Format for Line Indenting.sTemp &= ' 'End IfEnd IfIf Not iFileLineNumber = arFileLines.Length - 1 Then sTemp &= vbNewLine '// Add Line Breaks if Not Last Line.NextReturn sTemp '// Returns Reversed File Content.End FunctionEnd Class.

Hi here is the complete code with screen shot. Not quite understanding your question.If you need to have a TextBox get reversed as the File does, try this quick fix.Change this: Private Sub Button1Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickDim myFile As String = 'C:test.txt' '// your File.If IO.File.Exists(myFile) Then '// Check if File.Exists.MsgBox(reverseFileContent(myFile)) '// Display Result.IO.File.WriteAllText(myFile, reverseFileContent(myFile)) '// Save Reversed File.Else: MsgBox('File Does Not Exist.' )End IfEnd SubFunction reverseFileContent(ByVal mySelectedFile As String) As StringDim arFileLines As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(mySelectedFile) '// Load each line as a String Array.Dim arWords As String = Nothing '// used to Split.

Each line into Words.Dim sChar As String = Nothing '// used to get/set last char of word if not a Letter.To: Private Sub Button1Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickTextBox1.Text = reverseFileContent(TextBox1.Lines)End SubFunction reverseFileContent(ByVal arFileLines As String) As String'// Load each TextBox Line as a String Array.Dim arWords As String = Nothing '// used to Split. Each line into Words.Dim sChar As String = Nothing '// used to get/set last char of word if not a Letter. Not quite understanding your question.If you need to have a TextBox get reversed as the File does, try this quick fix.Change this: Private Sub Button1Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickDim myFile As String = 'C:test.txt' '// your File.If IO.File.Exists(myFile) Then '// Check if File.Exists.MsgBox(reverseFileContent(myFile)) '// Display Result.IO.File.WriteAllText(myFile, reverseFileContent(myFile)) '// Save Reversed File.Else: MsgBox('File Does Not Exist.' )End IfEnd SubFunction reverseFileContent(ByVal mySelectedFile As String) As StringDim arFileLines As String = IO.File.ReadAllLines(mySelectedFile) '// Load each line as a String Array.Dim arWords As String = Nothing '// used to Split. Each line into Words.Dim sChar As String = Nothing '// used to get/set last char of word if not a Letter.To: Private Sub Button1Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.ClickTextBox1.Text = reverseFileContent(TextBox1.Lines)End SubFunction reverseFileContent(ByVal arFileLines As String) As String'// Load each TextBox Line as a String Array.Dim arWords As String = Nothing '// used to Split.

StringProgramWrite a program to reverse a string in vb.net excel

Each line into Words.Dim sChar As String = Nothing '// used to get/set last char of word if not a Letter.I want both. But, the main interface consists of two text boxes, one with the original text and other with the reversed. I'll Add an checkbox that will active the 'word by word' option, thats why I need it to work with textboxes.I'll try it, thanks (.

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